Systems and methods for generating enhanced data metrics

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11762630
APP PUB NO 20230110859A1





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A system and method for isolating electronic data and generating enhanced data. A data subscription unit receives data having plural data formats from data source devices. The data may be received pre-filtered or filtered by the data subscription unit. A modeling unit may receive the filtered data from the storage databases, may determine eligibility of the stored data based on eligibility criteria, sort the eligible data based on at least one sorting parameter, adjust and/or normalize the eligible data based on at least one adjustment parameter and/or an aggregate value for a data attribute, generate data metrics over a defined set of time periods based on the eligible data, generate further data metrics based on the data metrics, and derive specified values from these metrics. A data distribution device may transmit or make available the data metrics, further data metrics and values to remote devices.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Abboud, Charles London, GB 9 15
Adams, Amanda Jane London, GB 23 49
Bowler, Timothy Joseph London, GB 9 15
Evans, Thomas Surrey, GB 41 304
Hill, Andrew John Hertfordshire, GB 16 16
Hooper, Gary David Kent, GB 10 33
Rhodes, Paul Anderson London, GB 9 15
Tselikas, Stelios Etienne St. Albans, GB 9 15
Vick, Emma Nicolette Middlesex, GB 9 15

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