Tools and methods for determining semantic relationship indexes

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8478702





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Systems, apparatuses, and methods for determining an individual's sentimental baseline, based on a plurality of data items and characteristics. The data items may include objective and quantitative data, as well as subjective and qualitative data. The system, apparatus, or method may obtain a number of relationships between information atoms, identify sentiments associated with the relationships, and calculate sentimental baselines for those relationships. Differences from any baseline may also be calculated, to determine true changes in sentiment. Relationships between those differences and other data or relationships may also be calculated, to determine how a change in sentiment is related to other changes in behavior. For example, relationships between a particular difference and changes in any metric, sub-metric, group of characteristics, data item, data source, characteristic, sentiment, or groups thereof may be determined. These relationships may also be used to predict future behavior or sentiment.

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Treiser, Adam North Brunswick, US 11 148

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