Phase locked loop with digital compensation for analog integration

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8446191
APP PUB NO 20110133794A1





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A phase locked loop (PLL) device includes a digital differentiator configured to differentiate a digital loop signal to at least partially compensate for the integration of an analog current signal by an analog integrator. A digital to analog converter (DAC) includes a current source output stage that generates the analog current signal based on an digital input signal. The analog integrator integrates the analog current signal to generate a voltage control signal for controlling a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO).

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Asuri, Bhushan S San Diego, US 8 211
Ballantyne, Gary J Christchurch, NZ 16 383
Dunworth, Jeremy D San Diego, US 15 563
Geng, Jifeng San Diego, US 32 250
Sahota, Gurkanwal S San Diego, US 16 547

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