Quick attach coupling device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7565758
APP PUB NO 20060254096A1





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An assembly for securing an implement to a boom, the assembly comprising a link member pivotally connected to a boom and, a first recess being formed in a first of the arm and a second being formed in the link member proximate one end thereof, the second recess having elongated configuration with a longitudinal axis extending parallel to the link member longitudinal axis, the implement assembly comprising a mounting arm and a implement, the mounting arm having a pair of first pins extending outwardly from opposite sides thereof and a pair of second pins extending outwardly from opposite sides, the first pair of pins being located between the implement receiving end and the center of gravity of the implement assembly. The arrangement permits rapid and secure switching of different implements.

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Poiré, Denis 6 rue de Monaco 1 0

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