Removable eyeglass shade visor apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5005214





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An elongated, generally strip-like shade visor device is removably attachable to the front frame section of a pair of eyeglasses to shade the wearer's eyes from overhead glare. Support tab portions of the visor project downwardly from its bottom side surface adjacent downturned opposite ends of the visor, each of the support tab portions having a resilient attachment loop removable secured thereto. To install the visor, the outer ends of the eyeglass temple bar members are inserted into the attachment loops, the visor is moved forwardly along the temple bar members, and the attachment loops are stretched diagonally around the outer top corner portions of the front frame section. With the visor mounted in this fashion, a rear side edge of the visor extends above and generally parallel to the top side edge of the front frame section, the front side edge of the visor extends forwardly of the front frame section, and the support tab portions and opposite ends of the visor are pressed rearwardly against the top side of the front frame section to resiliently hold the visor in place.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Koethe, Terence L 1021 Oakwood Dr., Keller, TX 76248 4 71

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