System and method of multi-round token distribution using a blockchain network

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11397943
APP PUB NO 20210182839A1





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A computer-implemented method to initiate a token transfer process for transferring respective first quantities of tokens between a plurality of pairs of sender nodes and respective recipient nodes using a blockchain. The method includes: determining a number of transaction rounds in the token transfer process; generating a set (TT) of indirect token transactions based on the respective first quantities of tokens and the number of transaction rounds, wherein execution of all of the indirect token transactions in the set results in net transfer of the respective quantities of tokens from the sender nodes to their respective recipient nodes and wherein the set of indirect token transactions includes randomized pairings of the sender nodes and recipient nodes in which each may be an input node or an output node for a particular indirect token transaction; and for each of the sender and recipient nodes, transmitting a subset of the set of indirect token transactions to that node, the subset including those transactions for which that node is either the input node or the output node.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bartolucci, Silvia London, GB 51 80
Joseph, Daniel London, GB 54 76

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