System and method of image improvement for multiple pulsed X-ray source-in-motion tomosynthesis apparatus using electrocardiogram synchronization

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11766231
APP PUB NO 20220313198A1





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A system and method for improved image acquisition of multiple pulsed X-ray source-in-motion tomosynthesis imaging apparatus by generating the electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform data using an ECG device. Once a representative cardiac cycle is determined, system will acquire images only at rest period of heart beat. Real time ECG waveform is used as ECG synchronization for image improvement. The imaging apparatus avoids ECG peak pulse for better chest, lung and breast imaging under influence of cardiac periodical motion. As a result, smoother data acquisition, much higher data quality can be achieved. The multiple pulsed X-ray source-in-motion tomosynthesis machine is with distributed multiple X-ray sources that is spanned at wide scan angle. At rest period of one heartbeat, multiple X-ray exposures are acquired from X-ray sources at different angles. The machine itself has capability to acquire as many as 60 actual projection images within about two seconds.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ku, Chwen-yuan San Jose, US 28 104
Liu, Jianqiang Campbell, US 50 444
Maolinbay, Manat Gilroy, US 29 63
Yang, Linbo Pleasanton, US 25 25

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