Object detection method and apparatus, electronic device, and storage medium

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11915501
APP PUB NO 20210287037A1





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An object detection method and apparatus include obtaining a point cloud of a scene that includes location information of points. The point cloud is mapped to a 3D voxel representation. A convolution operation is performed on the feature information of the 3D voxel to obtain a convolution feature set and initial positioning information of a candidate object region is determined based on the convolution feature set. A target point is located in the candidate object region in the point cloud is determined and the initial positioning information of the candidate object region is adjusted based on the location information and target convolution feature information of the target point. Positioning information of a target object region is obtained to improve object detection accuracy.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chen, Yi Lun Shenzhen, CN 3 8
Jia, Jia Ya Shenzhen, CN 3 19
Liu, Shu Shenzhen, CN 55 170
Shen, Xiao Yong Shenzhen, CN 2 11
Tai, Yu Wing Shenzhen, CN 3 11

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