Eliminating duplicate data in storage systems with boot consolidation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8799595





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Technologies for eliminating duplicate data provisions within a storage system supporting boot consolidation can efficiently identify duplicate data provisions within a data storage system and eliminate duplication by remapping duplicate provisions to point to the same physical storage space. Signatures of provisions within a storage system may be calculated and compared. Matching, or collisions, within the list of provision signatures can indicate candidate provisions for de-duplication. De-duplication territories may be provided as an indirect mapping mechanism in support of the remapping of duplicated provisions. Access statistics associated with provisions within a storage system may be collected. Access statistics can support the scheduling of de-duplication processes. Data de-duplication can support substantial storage space consolidation and significantly improve caching efficiency within a data storage system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chatterjee, Paresh Fremont, US 120 4599
Enoch, Sharon Newark, US 14 297
Muthirisavengopal, Vijayarankan Fremont, US 4 44
Narayanan, Ajit Chennai, IN 43 2193

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