Method for process-variable-dependent identification signal emission

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7103423
APP PUB NO 20020169510A1





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The invention relates to a method for process-variable-dependent identification signal emission for a closed-loop and/or open-loop control program with cyclic sampling of process variables from a technical process. A threshold value crossing time (ts1, ts3) is determined from at least two previous samples (AT1, AT2, AT5-AT7) of a process variable (P). At this time, an identification signal can be triggered, which can call up a single-stage or multi-stage command sequence. The threshold value crossing time (ts1-ts3) can likewise be determined with the aid of a mathematical approximation function and the samples (AT1, AT2, AT5-AT7). A timing mechanism can be started in the predicted sampling cycle (A12 to A89) preceding the threshold value crossing (SD1-SD3) using a time difference (ZD1-ZD3) remaining until the threshold value crossing (SD1-SD3). The threshold value crossing time (ts1-ts3) is determined once again using a further, subsequent sample (AT1, AT2, AT5-AT7) and the approximation function, and the remaining time difference (ZD1-ZD3) of the timing mechanism is adapted once again if necessary.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ebermann, Joachim Amtsberg, DE 4 13
Grammatke, Kay Pleiba, DE 2 3
Stiehler, Horst Burgstaedt, DE 3 4

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