Information technology device input systems and associated methods

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10185406
APP PUB NO 20140267033A1





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A method for generating a control signal to control an information technology device includes the following steps: (1) capturing, using an image sensor, a current control image of a light source of a remote controller positioned within a field of view of the image sensor; (2) identifying, within the current control image, a current location of light emitted from the light source; (3) determining movement between (a) the current location of the light emitted from the light source and (b) a previous location of the light emitted from the light source determined from a previously captured image; (4) generating a movement control signal based upon the movement; and (5) sending the movement control signal to the information technology device. The method is executed, for example, by a movement control module of an information technology device input system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Li, Jin San Jose, US 538 11208
Shan, Jizhang Cupertino, US 74 918

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