Restricted stress regions formed in the contact level of a semiconductor device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8828887
APP PUB NO 20130084703A1





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In sophisticated semiconductor devices, an efficient stress decoupling may be accomplished between neighboring transistor elements of a densely packed device region by providing a gap or a stress decoupling region between the corresponding transistors. For example, a gap may be formed in the stress-inducing material so as to reduce the mutual interaction of the stress-inducing material on the closely spaced transistor elements. In some illustrative aspects, the stress-inducing material may be provided as an island for each individual transistor element.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Feustel, Frank Dresden, DE 84 1241
Frohberg, Kai Niederau, DE 123 2084
Werner, Thomas Reichenberg, DE 172 2308

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