Techniques for reducing differential cure artifacts for additive fabrication and related systems and methods

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11161296
APP PUB NO 20180085994A1





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According to some aspects, techniques for reducing time-dependent fabrication artifacts in additive fabrication are provided. By selectively activating and deactivating an element of an additive fabrication device that forms solid material, adjacent regions of material may be formed sequentially, thereby reducing time-dependent fabrication artifacts at the cost of increasing the time taken to fabricate an object. In some embodiments, selective activation and deactivation of an element of an additive fabrication device that forms solid material may be performed to a subset of an object being fabricated based on an assessment of which portions of an object will be visible upon fabrication.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
FrantzDale, Benjamin Harvard, US 26 157
Mishchenko, Andrey Ann Arbor, US 2 3

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