(Super)hydrophobic isocyanate based porous materials

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11434344
APP PUB NO 20200255620A1





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A (super)hydrophobic isocyanate based organic aerogel/xerogel/cryogel having a water contact angle of at least 90° comprising:

    a cross-linked porous network structure made of polyurethane and/or polyisocyanurate and/or polyurea, andhydrophobic compounds having before the gelling step at least one isocyanate-reactive group and no isocyanate groupsCharacterized in that said hydrophobic compounds are covalently bonded within the porous network of the aerogel/xerogel/cryogel and wherein said bondings are created during the gelling step of the formation of the isocyanate based organic aerogel/xerogel/cryogel cross-linked porous network structure.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Geumez, Gilles Jean Waterloo, BE 7 4
Joncheray, Thomas Julien Wavre, BE 12 6
Vandenbroeck, Jan Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, BE 21 97

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