Method for displaying location of cellular phone caller

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7873366





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The present invention relates to a method for displaying the location of a cellular phone caller. In the present method, a caller's cellular phone transmits a short message preset by a cellular base station to the base station through an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) function by using a cellular phone and selects to start or stop a function for informing the location of a caller to a phone answerer. When a phone call is made and the location informing function is stopped, the base station transmits no caller location information to an answerer's cellular phone. If the location informing function is activated, the base station uses a positioning technology to calculate position coordinates of the caller. And then, the base station compares the position coordinates with a location data stored in a position coordinate data base of the base station and transforms the location to a closest address so as to display the caller's address in the answerer's phone by a Class 0 SMS (short message system).

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Chen, James Hsinchu, TW 165 3307

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