Uniform parsing of configuration files for multiple product types

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11763077





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A platform is provided for uniform parsing of configuration files for multiple product types. One method comprises obtaining, by a parser of a given product type, a given request from a message queue based on a metadata message of an incoming configuration file from a remote product of a given product type, wherein the message queue stores metadata messages for a plurality of product types; extracting information from the incoming configuration file based on product-specific business logic obtained from a table store comprising tables for the plurality of product types, wherein the business logic provides a mapping between information extracted from the incoming configuration file and destination database tables; and storing the contents in the destination database tables of a product-specific predefined database schema.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chen, Ritong Boxborough, US 1 0
Obappa, Arun Kumar Shrewsbury, US 1 0

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