Oil transport structure in an electric motor of an electric submersible pump (ESP) assembly

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11821430
APP PUB NO 20230151816A1





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An electric submersible pump (ESP) assembly comprises a centrifugal pump assembly, a seal section and an electric motor comprising a drive shaft having a bore concentric with a longitudinal axis of the drive shaft. A fluid mover disposed within and coupled to the bore of the drive shaft is configured for urging lubricating oil upward in the bore. The fluid mover includes at least one helical flighting open in the middle. The electric motor may also have a bearing coupled to the drive shaft and a bushing that is retained by a housing or by stator structure of the electric motor. The bushing defining at least one fluid flow channel extending from an upper edge of the bushing to a lower edge of the bushing and a middle portion of the fluid flow channel open to the inside surface of the bushing.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Brown, Donn J Tulsa, US 90 624
Hu, Yuzhu Houston, US 11 18
Sun, Yu Dong Tianjin, CN 1 0
Zheng, Dezhi Houston, US 16 18

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