Automatically determining language for speech recognition of spoken utterance received via an automated assistant interface

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11393476
APP PUB NO 20210074295A1





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Implementations relate to determining a language for speech recognition of a spoken utterance, received via an automated assistant interface, for interacting with an automated assistant. In various implementations, audio data indicative of a voice input that includes a natural language request from a user may be applied as input across multiple speech-to-text (“STT”) machine learning models to generate multiple candidate speech recognition outputs. Each STT machine learning model may trained in a particular language. For each respective STT machine learning model of the multiple STT models, the multiple candidate speech recognition outputs may be analyzed to determine an entropy score for the respective STT machine learning model. Based on the entropy scores, a target language associated with at least one STT machine learning model of the multiple STT machine learning models may be selected. The automated assistant may respond to the request using the target language.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Lopatovsky, Lukas Kilchberg, CH 3 22
Moreno, Ignacio Lopez New York, US 52 904
Weisz, Ágoston Zurich, CH 13 24

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