Reseeding a mediator of a cross-site storage solution

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11941267
APP PUB NO 20230367494A1





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Systems and methods for making a cross-site storage solution resilient towards mediator unavailability are provided. According to one embodiment, a stretched storage system is operable to bring a mediator associated with a primary and secondary distributed storage system back into the role of an arbitrator for peered consistency groups (CGs). A mediator reseed status indicator is maintained for multiple CGs to identify when the mediator's status information for a CG is stale. When the mediator becomes available and a local CG is identified as the subject of a mediator reseed process, the master node of the primary that hosts a master copy of a dataset for the local CG performs the reseed process, including: (i) causing relationship status information for the local CG to be updated on the mediator to the current state maintained by the primary; and (ii) resetting the mediator reseed status indicator.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kaushik, Akhil Karnataka, IN 95 836
Valan, Arul Karnataka, IN 2 7
Vijayan, Anoop Karnataka, IN 16 78

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