Radiation imaging system, control method thereof, system and control method thereof

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11375098
APP PUB NO 20200213504A1





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A radiation imaging system comprises a radiation imaging apparatus having a plurality of imaging modes, and a control apparatus configured to control imaging of a radiation image with respect to the radiation imaging apparatus. The radiation imaging system comprises: an obtaining unit configured to obtain information with respect to a communication state between the radiation imaging apparatus and the control apparatus; and a display control unit configured to cause a display unit of at least one of the radiation imaging apparatus and the control apparatus to display information indicating a margin in the communication state based on an imaging mode of the radiation imaging apparatus and the information with respect to the communication state.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Nakayama, Akiya Kawasaki, JP 36 245
Saigusa, Akio Tama, JP 14 87

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