System and method for providing a compensated speech recognition model for speech recognition

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7451085
APP PUB NO 20020059068A1





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An automatic speech recognition (ASR) system and method is provided for controlling the recognition of speech utterances generated by an end user operating a communications device. The ASR system and method can be used with a communications device that is used in a communications network. The ASR system can be used for ASR of speech utterances input into a mobile device, to perform compensating techniques using at least one characteristic and for updating an ASR speech recognizer associated with the ASR system by determined and using a background noise value and a distortion value that is based on the features of the mobile device. The ASR system can be used to augment a limited data input capability of a mobile device, for example, caused by limited input devices physically located on the mobile device.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Narayanan, Shrikanth Sambasivan Los Angeles, CA 19 1713
Pathasarathy, Sarangarajan New Providence, NJ 5 427
Rose, Richard C Watchung, NJ 11 658
Rosenberg, Aaron Edward Berkeley Heights, NJ 22 1706

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