Cigarette bundle feeder

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8511459
APP PUB NO 20130001045A1





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A cigarette bundle feeder has a discharge duct which forms a lower part of a hopper and delivers filter cigarettes towards a bottom plate located under the hopper to produce a cigarette bundle, the discharge duct having a plurality of discharge passages arranged adjacent to each other in a width direction of the hopper to make the filter cigarettes flow downwards separately, the discharge passages opening in one direction; a front plate disposed at one side of and adjacent to the discharge duct, and extending in the width direction to cover the discharged passages of the discharge duct; and a plurality of suction holes formed in the front plate and having open ends that open towards the discharge duct, for sucking, through the open ends, tobacco shreds that spill from the cigarette ends of the filter cigarettes and drop into a gap between the front plate and the discharge duct.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Akagi, Koichi Tokyo, JP 17 235
Kushihashi, Shigenobu Tokyo, JP 10 45
Ueno, Tetsuo Tokyo, JP 13 270

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