Tagging and auditing sensitive information in a database environment

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11947704
APP PUB NO 20220398342A1





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Access to sensitive information in a database can be restricted to improve security and enable efficient auditing. A security engine receives a request from a requesting entity to access data in the database and determines that the requested data includes sensitive information. In response to the requesting entity being authorized to access the data, the security engine retrieves the requested data from the database and modifies the retrieved data by modifying metadata of the retrieved data to include a tag indicating that the retrieved data includes sensitive information. The security engine provides the modified data to the requesting entity and modifies a data access log to identify each attempted access to the modified data. When sensitive data is requested, an interface can include an obscuring element, requiring a user to manually select the element to view the data, enabling the logging of the explicit access request by the user.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kim, Edward San Francisco, US 68 1362
Scuderi, Christopher Joseph Daly City, US 4 6

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