Apparatus for inspection with electron beam, method for operating same, and method for manufacturing semiconductor device using former

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7408175
APP PUB NO 20070194235A1





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A substrate inspection apparatus 1-1 (FIG. 1) of the present invention performs the following steps of: carrying a substrate 'S' to be inspected into an inspection chamber 23-1; maintaining a vacuum in said inspection chamber; isolating said inspection chamber from a vibration; moving successively said substrate by means of a stage 26-1 with at least one degree of freedom; irradiating an electron beam having a specified width; helping said electron beam reach to a surface of said substrate via a primary electron optical system 10-1; trapping secondary electrons emitted from said substrate via a secondary electron optical system 20-1 and guiding it to a detecting system 35-1; forming a secondary electron image in an image processing system based on a detection signal of a secondary electron beam obtained by said detecting system; detecting a defective location in said substrate based on the secondary electron image formed by said image processing system; indicating and/or storing said defective location in said substrate by CPU 37-1; and taking said completely inspected substrate out of the inspection chamber. Thereby, the defect inspection on the substrate can be performed successively with high level of accuracy and efficiency as well as with higher throughput.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hatakeyama, Masahiro Fujisawa, JP 111 2110
Karimata, Tsutomu Yokohama, JP 67 1874
Kimba, Toshifumi Fujisawa, JP 89 1802
Murakami, Takeshi Tokyo, JP 270 5270
Nakasuji, Mamoru Yokohama, JP 144 2841
Noji, Nobuharu Zushi, JP 107 2606
Oowada, Shin Yokohama, JP 34 1087
Saito, Mutsumi Yokohama, JP 45 1203
Satake, Tohru Chigasaki, JP 99 2355
Sobukawa, Hirosi Zama, JP 54 1771
Watanabe, Kenji Fujisawa, JP 538 8356
Yoshikawa, Shoji Hachioji, JP 89 2341

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