Cornerbead crimping tool

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5765428





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A cornerbead crimping tool for crimping cornerbead to wallboard is presented which comprises in a first embodiment a handle portion, an intermediate air cylinder portion and a crimping head portion which together form the crimping tool. In accordance with a second and preferred embodiment of the present invention, the crimper tool of the present invention is a user configurable system comprising a housing module, a plurality of interchangeable crimper modules and a plurality of interchangeable power modules (e.g., pneumatic operation and manual operation). The resultant system provides the cornerbead applicator with the ability to quickly and easily crimp cornerbead of any known size or shape using either a manual (e.g., hammer) operation or pneumatic operation. All of the system parts are made from molded reinforced plastic and due to the modular, interchangeable construction lead to ease of manufacture as well as low cost assembly.

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Lallier, Guy 3837 Coco Plum, Cir., Karanda Village 3, Pompano Beach, FL 33063 8 32

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