Imaging element and method for manufacturing imaging element

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11477403
APP PUB NO 20210368117A1





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A step of forming an on-chip lens of a phase difference pixel is simplified. An imaging element includes a pixel array unit, an individual on-chip lens, a common on-chip lens, and an adjacent on-chip lens. In the pixel array unit, pixels that performs photoelectric conversion according to incident light components, a plurality of phase difference pixels that is included in the pixels, is arranged adjacent to each other, and detects a phase difference, and phase difference pixel adjacent pixels that are included in the pixels and are adjacent to the phase difference pixels are arranged two-dimensionally. The individual on-chip lens is arranged for each of the pixels and individually condenses the incident light components on corresponding one of the pixels. The common on-chip lens is commonly arranged in the plurality of phase difference pixels and commonly condenses the incident light component. The adjacent on-chip lens is arranged for each of the phase difference pixel adjacent pixels, individually condenses the incident light components on corresponding one of the phase difference pixel adjacent pixels, and is formed to have a size different from the individual on-chip lens to adjust a shape of the common on-chip lens.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fukagawa, Hironobu Kumamoto, JP 3 3
Kato, Hideaki Kumamoto, JP 86 2428
Nishi, Sachio Kumamoto, JP 3 3
Sato, Akimitsu Kumamoto, JP 11 39

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