Firmware updating system, firmware delivering server, firmware embedded device, and program

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8522233
APP PUB NO 20110173604A1





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The present invention provides a firmware update technique in which a work area is small, a work time is short, update can be resumed even if power-down occurs, and even a file system which does not support writing is supported. To provide the firmware updating technique, an update creating and distributing server divides old and new version firmware images, extracts a difference between the new and old divided firmware images, creates an updated package, and delivers the updated package to an embedded device. On the other hand, the embedded device applies the updated package to the old version divided firmware image (an existing firmware message currently in use).

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Nakamura, Yuichi Tokyo, JP 137 1474
Ohama, Nobuyuki Tokyo, JP 11 158

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