Omnidirectional LED lighting apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8888330





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A lighting apparatus is disclosed. The lighting apparatus may be an omni-directional LED lamp. The lighting apparatus may include a heat sink and a first substrate disposed over the heat sink. A second substrate may be mounted to a connector provided on the first substrate. The second substrate may include at least one LED mounted on a surface of the second substrate. The second substrate may be mounted in the connector such that the surface of the second substrate is positioned at a prescribed angle with respect to the upper surface of the first substrate. Various types of reflectors are disclosed that reflect light in a prescribed angular range with uniform intensity. A bulb may be provided over the heat sink to surround the LEDs. Moreover, a power module may be electrically connected to the connector to provide power to the LEDs.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kang, Seokhoon Seoul, KR 7 107
Kim, Bongho Seoul, KR 12 95
You, Sejoon Seoul, KR 9 97

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