System, apparatus and method for automatic pipe type detection

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11193805
APP PUB NO 20190219428A1





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A fluid flow meter can include a sensor capable of transmitting a transmit signal to propagate, at least partially, through a fluid in a pipe and receiving a respective receive signal. The fluid flow meter can include a memory storing computer code instructions and a plurality of pipe type signatures associated with a plurality of pipe types. Each pipe type signature of a respective pipe type of the plurality of pipe types can include one or more characteristics of receive signals associated with that pipe type. The fluid flow meter can also include a processor communicatively coupled to the sensor and to the memory. When executing the computer code instructions, the processor can determine one or more signal features of the receive signal, and identify a pipe type of the pipe based on the one or more signal features of the receive signal and the plurality of pipe type signatures.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gestner, Brian Atlanta, US 18 161
Knudsen, Thea Atlanta, US 3 21
Leaders, Jeffrey L Mableton, US 17 353
Mess, Francis M Smyrna, US 14 132

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