Measuring linear and non-linear transmission perturbations in optical transmission systems

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11309960
APP PUB NO 20200412448A1





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A system for measuring linear and non-linear transmission perturbations in optical transmission systems is disclosed. The system may include a processor to help facilitate measurement of non-linear noise at an optical transceiver. The system, for example, may receive a reference correlation of a transmission of a channel of a fiber link, record an optical power spectrum of the channel, and determine a baud rate of the channel. The system may also apply a spectral correlation technique to the channel with a multiple baud rate distance in frequency domain. The system may also calculate a generalized optical signal-to-noise ratio (gOSNR) value based on the spectral correlation technique and the reference correlation. The system may also compare the gOSNR with wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) OSNR measurements to evaluate an amount of non-linear noise contributions.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Flettner, Axel Bondorf, DE 4 10
Loecklin, Eberhard Lothar Reutlingen, DE 4 3
Moench, Wolfgang Neuffen, DE 11 36

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