Method and system for controlling the temperature of an engine

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11898485
APP PUB NO 20230046144A1





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A system for controlling the temperature of an engine, which includes at least one cylinder. The system includes a turbocharger and at least one air-nozzle. The turbocharger includes exhaust-gas-inlet-port, an exhaust-gas-outlet-port, an air-inlet-port, a compressed-air-outlet-port, a turbine and a compressor. The exhaust-gas-inlet-port is coupled with the exhaust-gas-outlet of the engine. Exhaust gas from the engine rotates the turbine, which rotates the compressor. The compressor draws air from the air inlet port, compresses the air thereby increasing the pressure thereof, and provides the compressed air to the compressed-air-outlet-port. An inlet of the air-nozzle or nozzles is coupled with the compressed-air-outlet-port. The air-nozzle or nozzles are directed toward a respective one of the at least one cylinder, and directs a flow of air toward the respective one of the at least one cylinder.

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Yaacobi, Amnon Rishon LeZion, IL 1 0

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