Normalized probability determination for character encoding

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11973519
APP PUB NO 20200326910A1





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Examples described herein relate to an apparatus comprising a central processing unit (CPU) and an encoding accelerator coupled to the CPU, the encoding accelerator comprising an entropy encoder to determine normalized probability of occurrence of a symbol in a set of characters using a normalized probability approximation circuitry, wherein the normalized probability approximation circuitry is to output the normalized probability of occurrence of a symbol in a set of characters for lossless compression. In some examples, the normalized probability approximation circuitry includes a shifter, adder, subtractor, or a comparator. In some examples, the normalized probability approximation circuitry is to determine normalized probability by performance of non-power of 2 division without computation by a Floating Point Unit (FPU). In some examples, the normalized probability approximation circuitry is to round the normalized probability to a decimal.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Palermo, Stephen T Chandler, US 38 397
Parikh, Bhushan G Chandler, US 1 2

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