Golf putter

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7806778





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The invention relates to a putter head for a golf putter and to a golf putter that includes the putter head and a putter shaft secured to the putter head. The putter head includes a first head part, that defines the striking face of the putter, and a second head part that is located operatively rearwardly of the first head part and that is displaceable on guide rods with respect to the first head part along a line extending substantially perpendicularly to the striking face defined by the first head part. Securing screws displaceable within the second head part can engage the respective guide rods for securing the location of the head parts with respect to one another. A shaft securing formation is associated with the first head part and permits securing of a putter shaft to the putter head in different angular configurations with respect thereto.

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Elmer, John Clement 49 Greenvale Village, 36 Shongweni Road 3 70

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