System and method for storage takeover

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7613947





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A takeover system and method for high availability in the face of component failures for a multiple-node storage system cluster is provided. When a takeover is triggered either through a loss of cluster heartbeat, or through a user-initiated command, the system of the present invention is configured such that one or more surviving nodes asserts ownership on one or more of the failed node's disks such that all of the disks become locally owned by one of the surviving nodes. An assimilation of the disks into one or more aggregates is performed, and any duplicated file system identification numbers are corrected to avoid errors. As the disks thus appear to be locally owned by the surviving nodes, one or more newly assimilated aggregates are thus exposed to any N-module that interfaces with the surviving nodes.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Coatney, Susan M Cupertino , US 52 1451
Patel, Kayuri Cupertino , US 21 1348
Strange, Stephen H Mountain View , US 34 1201
Watanabe, Steven S San Jose , US 19 702

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