Machine learning-based platform for user identification

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11734977
APP PUB NO 20230033188A1





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A system and method are disclosed for identifying a user based on the classification of user movement data. An identity verification system receives a sequence of motion data from a mobile device operated by a target user. From the sequences of motion data, the identity verification system identifies a plurality of identity blocks representing different movements performed by the target user and encodes a set of signature sequences from each identity block into a feature vector. Each feature vector is input to a confidence model to output an identity confidence value for an identity block. An identity confidence value describes a confidence that the movement in the identity block was performed by the target user. The identity confidence value is compared to an operational security threshold and if identity confidence value is above the threshold, the target user is granted access to an operational context.

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Patent Owner(s)

  • TRUU, INC.

International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Agrawal, Amitabh Superior, US 18 37
Budman, Lucas Allen Denver, US 16 19
Graf, Michael Ross Lakewood, US 7 14
Spott, Andrew Weber Boulder, US 14 19

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