Allocation and management of tunnel endpoints in software defined networks

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11876643
APP PUB NO 20210028957A1





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Described herein are systems and methods for allocating to tunnel endpoints to virtual machines on a host. In one example, a host identifies when a new virtual machine is coupled to a virtual switch and determines a tenant associated with the new virtual machine. The host further determines whether a tunnel endpoint is allocated to the tenant and, when a tunnel endpoint has not been allocated, allocates a new tunnel endpoint to the tenant and maps the new virtual machine to the new tunnel endpoint.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Babbar, Mansi Fremont, US 5 4
Mathew, Subin Cyriac San Jose, US 59 304
Parmar, Ankit Santa Clara, US 10 19
Raman, Chidambareswaran Sunnyvale, US 82 599

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