Protective sling

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7179241
APP PUB NO 20060270957A1





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A protective sling adapted to support a cast or brace extending adjacent a forearm and wrist, and to selectively simultaneously support a hand of a patient. The sling being made of a flexible material having a first portion extending a predetermined length, and a second portion partially overlying the length of the first portion and forming an opening into a sleeve, the sleeve disposed between the first portion and the second portion. The sleeve having a closed end opposite to and spaced from the opening between the first and second portions forming the sleeve. A strap assembly is attached to the closed end and to an opposite end of the protective sling, the strap assembly adapted to extend adjacent the neck and shoulder of the patient, suspending the protective sling adjacent the body of the patient.

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Hollister, Laura Niles, MI 2 15

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