Self-training machine-learning system for generating and providing action recommendations

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11557220
APP PUB NO 20220270508A1





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A user computing entity executes application program code to cause display of an IUI via a user interface of the user computing entity. The IUI comprises an action list comprising one or more action items corresponding to one or more team members of a team. The action items are automatically ordered based on one or more action priorities. At least one of the action items corresponds to a coaching opportunity and a recommendation for responding thereto. The coaching opportunity is automatically identified using a recommendation model trained using machine learning based at least in part on performance data corresponding to a plurality of key performance indicator metrics. The recommendation for responding to the coaching opportunity is determined using the recommendation model and based on the performance data. The recommendation model is trained using information regarding previous handlings of coaching opportunities and corresponding outcome indicators for a cluster of teams.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Baker, Michael Minnetonka, US 109 1283
Bothra, Siddhartha Minneapolis, US 5 14
Delany, Andrew Atlanta, US 3 5
Desai, Shikha Minneapolis, US 11 40
Guthrie, Marie Roanoke, US 3 5

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