Magnetic recording element

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7931976
APP PUB NO 20090098412A1





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A magnetic recording element includes a multilayer having a surface and a pair of electrodes. The multilayer has a first magnetic fixed layer whose magnetization is substantially fixed in a first direction substantially perpendicular to the surface. The multilayer also has a second magnetic fixed layer whose magnetization is substantially fixed in a second direction opposite to the first direction substantially perpendicular to the surface. A third magnetic layer is provided between the first and second magnetic layers. The direction of magnetization of the third ferromagnetic layer is variable. A first intermediate layer is provided between the first and the third magnetic layers. A second intermediate layer is provided between the second and the third magnetic layers. The pair of electrodes is capable of supplying an electric current flowing in a direction substantially perpendicular to the surface to the multilayer. The sectional area taken parallel to the surface at a thickness midpoint of the first magnetic layer is larger than that of the second magnetic layer.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Morise, Hirofumi Kanagawa-ken, JP 61 888
Nakamura, Shiho Kanagawa-ken, JP 86 1144
Ohsawa, Yuichi Kanagawa-ken, JP 117 2729
Saida, Daisuke Tokyo, JP 37 937
Yanagi, Satoshi Kanagawa-ken, JP 16 594

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