Compositions and methods for reducing ice crystal formation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11510407





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The present invention provides peptoid polymers capable of reducing or inhibiting the formation of ice crystals at sub 0° C. temperatures. Also provided are peptoid-peptide hybrids comprising the peptoid polymers provided herein. The peptoid polymers and peptoid-peptide hybrids provided herein are useful for making cryoprotectant solutions. The peptoid polymers, peptoid-peptide hybrids, and cryoprotectant solutions provided herein are useful for making antifreeze solutions, frozen food products, and cosmetic care products. Also provided herein are methods for preserving a tissue, an organ, a cell, or a biological macromolecule using the compositions described herein.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Wei, Xiaoxi El Cerrito, US 9 7

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