Augmented reality systems for comparing physical objects

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11922691
APP PUB NO 20230343091A1





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In implementations of augmented reality systems for comparing physical objects, a computing device implements a comparison system to detect physical objects and physical markers depicted in frames of a digital video captured using an image capture device and displayed in a user interface. The comparison system associates a physical object of the physical objects with a physical marker of the physical markers based on an association distance estimated using two-dimensional coordinates of the user interface corresponding to a center of the physical object and a distance from the image capture device to the physical marker. Characteristics of the physical object are determined that are not displayed in the user interface based on an identifier of the physical marker. The comparison system generates a virtual object for display in the user interface that includes indications of a subset of the characteristics of the physical object.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Du, Fan Milpitas, US 45 74
Guo, Shunan San Jose, US 12 2
Hoffswell, Jane Elizabeth Seattle, US 5 0
Koh, Eunyee San Jose, US 69 258
Rossi, Ryan A San Jose, US 55 135
Xu, Bingjie Evanston, US 1 0

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