Dynamically adjusting activation sensor parameters on security cameras using computer vision

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11922697





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An apparatus comprising an interface and a processor. The interface may be configured to receive pixel data generated by a capture device and an activation signal generated by at least one of a plurality of sensors. The processor may be configured to process the pixel data arranged as video frames, perform computer vision on the video frames to detect objects, perform a classification of the objects, present a control signal in response to receiving the activation signal, determine whether there is a match between the classification and an object class and generate a calibration signal in response to the match. The computer vision may determine which zone that the objects have been detected in. Each zone may comprise a coverage region of one of the sensors. The calibration signal may adjust parameters of the sensors that correspond to the zone with the objects that do not have the match.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Xu, Ruian San Jose, US 18 31

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