Virtual models for access/control of internet of things (IoTs) devices

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10320620
APP PUB NO 20180019929A1





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A network device enables browsing of a plurality of pre-defined VMs associated with IoT devices. The network device receives, from a user device, selection of a first pre-defined VM from the plurality of pre-defined VMs, wherein the first pre-defined VM includes at least one first device state and at least one first sensor type, and receives, from the user device, instructions to modify the first pre-defined VM, by adding an additional device state or an additional sensor type to the first pre-defined VM or by removing the at least one first device state or the at least one first sensor type from the first pre-defined VM, to create a first customized VM associated with a first physical IoT device. The network device stores the first customized VM in a database, and uses the first customized VM for accessing or controlling the first physical IoT device.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chen, Zhong Acton, US 213 2467
Fu, Gang Shrewsbury, US 58 1352
Hao, Jianxiu Acton, US 76 1102
Ledesma, Manuel E Lexington, US 2 37
Zhu, Lin Lexington, US 166 869

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Dec 11, 2026
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