Systems and methods for fault-resilient system management random access memory

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11984183
APP PUB NO 20230245709A1





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A method may include, during a PEI phase BIOS, responsive to a flag being set in a previous boot session of an information handling system to test a first designated region of a memory of the information handling system: testing the first designated region for a memory fault; in response to detecting the memory fault, mapping out the first designated region and designating an additional region of the memory as a designated region for SMRAM and repeating testing of additional designated regions, mapping out of failed additional designated regions, and designating new additional regions of the memory until a designated region passes testing without memory fault; and in response to detecting passage of testing without memory fault of a designated region comprising either of the first designated region or an additional region of the memory, configuring the designated region for use as the SMRAM for the information handling system.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Arms, Michael W Copperas Cove, US 13 34
Iyer, Vivek Viswanathan Austin, US 264 645
Samuel, Balasingh P Round Rock, US 45 75

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