Systems and methods for hierarchical global load balancing

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8626946
APP PUB NO 20080034111A1





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Systems and methods are disclosed for providing a hierarchy of appliances to access resources across branch offices. A method comprises: establishing, by a first aggregator appliance, connections with a first plurality of branch office appliances; establishing, by a second aggregator appliance, connections with a second plurality of branch office appliances, the first plurality not having information identifying the second plurality; receiving, by the first aggregator appliance, from a first branch office appliance a request from a client for access to a resource; identifying, by the first aggregator appliance via the second aggregator appliance, a second branch office appliance from the second plurality to service the request; transmitting, by the first aggregator appliance, to the first branch office appliance information identifying the second branch office appliance; and establishing, by the first branch office appliance, a connection with the second branch office appliance. Corresponding systems are also described.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kamath, Sandeep Bangalore, IN 55 2732
Shetty, Anil Union City, US 51 3082
Suganthi, Josephine Sunnyvale, US 48 3207

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