Hierarchical switch support of services for subscribers of independent private branch exchanges

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5646985





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A telecommunication network includes first subscribers served by a first independent PBX supported by a first telecommunication switch. The first switch receives a first signal from the first PBX indicating that call origination services for a first subscriber are to be provided directly by a second switch disposed at a hierarchical level above the first switch. A second signal received by the second switch identifies the first subscriber. A record is located in a database coupled to the second switch based upon the identification of the calling subscriber. A group affiliation parameter stored in said record is identified; the group affiliation parameter defines one organization of which the one first subscriber is a member. The second switch transmits a call setup message to a third switch associated with the second subscriber; the call setup message includes the group affiliation parameter so that the first subscriber's membership in the one organization can be used in further call processing.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Andruska, Donald Lee Glen Ellyn, IL 10 402
Tsai, Liane Toy Wheaton, IL 8 138

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