Information processing device, information processing method, program and storage medium

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8694430
APP PUB NO 20120278230A1





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Provided is an information processing device which enables a user to always and easily recognize an amount to be paid by the user, which results in a reduction of the burden imposed on the user. A debit requesting module (72) requests that a bank debit a bill amount of each transaction of a credit card from a payment account of the credit card. A balance determination module (81) determines whether or not a balance of the payment account is insufficient for the bill amount of the each transaction based on a notification of a result of the debit from the bank. A change module (74) changes, when it is determined that the balance of the payment account is insufficient, a payment method for a bill amount of an item of transactions which uses a variable payment method to a fixed payment method, the fixed payment method being a method of paying a predetermined fixed amount of money as a unit, the variable payment method being a method of making a payment with a payment unit that varies for each transaction depending on an amount of the transaction of the credit card. The present invention is applicable to a server.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ito, Masanaka Shinagawa-ku, JP 4 23
Kobayashi, Yoshinori Shinagawa-ku, JP 174 2793

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