Apparatus and method for providing workload distribution of threads among multiple compute units

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11726837





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In some examples, thermal aware optimization logic determines a characteristic (e.g., a workload or type) of a wavefront (e.g., multiple threads). For example, the characteristic indicates whether the wavefront is compute intensive, memory intensive, mixed, and/or another type of wavefront. The thermal aware optimization logic determines temperature information for one or more compute units (CUs) in one or more processing cores. The temperature information includes predictive thermal information indicating expected temperatures corresponding to the one or more CUs and historical thermal information indicating current or past thermal temperatures of at least a portion of a graphics processing unit (GPU). The logic selects the one or more compute units to process the plurality of threads based on the determined characteristic and the temperature information. The logic provides instructions to the selected subset of the plurality of CUs to execute the wavefront.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
An, Xudong Austin, US 8 8
Das, Shomit N Austin, US 25 49
Huang, Wei Dallas, US 896 6515
Rao, Karthik Austin, US 26 41

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