Extreme long life, high energy density batteries and method of making and using the same

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11271205
APP PUB NO 20200185723A1





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A composition containing a carbon monofluoride admixture is provided. The carbon monofluoride admixture is generally in the form of layer having opposing upper and lower surfaces. Usually, an ion conducting or a solid electrolyte layer is position on one of the upper or lower layers of the monofluoride admixture. In some configurations, the ion conducting or a solid electrolyte layer can be alkaline metal aluminum oxide or alkaline metal aluminum fluoride. The alkaline metal is commonly lithium, and the alkaline metal aluminum oxide or alkaline metal aluminum fluoride is more commonly MzAlXy (M is one of alkali metals, X=O, F), Z commonly can have a value from about 0.5 to about 10 and y can have a value from about 1.75 to about 6.5, more commonly z can have a value from about 1 to about 5 and y can have a value from about 2 to about 4. The carbon monofluoride admixture can include a polymeric binder and one or more of a conductive carbon black and conductive graphite. The carbon monofluoride admixture is generally a component one or more electrodes of an electrochemical energy storage device.

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Xing, Weibing Littleton, US 16 190

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