Scale apparatus and methods of use thereof

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11448545





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A scale apparatus is described. The scale apparatus may include a housing sized to fit within a playing card tuck box; a pressure plate operable to measure a weight of a plurality of objects; a wireless transmitter; and a microcontroller in communication with the pressure plate and the wireless transmitter. The microcontroller may be configured to: continuously measure the weight on the pressure plate; when the weight holds steady for a sequence of measurements, transmit a first weight measurement via the wireless transmitter; measure a change in the weight; and when the change in the weight is steady, transmit a second weight measurement via the wireless transmitter.

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Altinsel, Acar Rancho Cordova, US 10 6

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Mar 20, 2026
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